modular, flexible scaleble oss system suite
Product Highlights

Integrated Networks in a Common Model
- IP Networks
- RAN networks
- WDM networks
- Wifi networks
- DCN, Mgmt networks
- Infrastructure (rack, power supply, air conditioning, access control, sensors)
- Datacenter Clouds

Network and Services easy to understand
- Quick overview with topology drawings and google maps
- Drill downn and details available in nested lists, easy to use and navigate

Time machine
- Timed status of Locations, Devices and Connections
- Consistent state of network at any chosen point in time
- Possible parallel work on you current network and your future plans
- Historical, consistent view of the evolution of your network over time

Data easy and quickly
- Excel Import Functionality
- Automatic IP Network Discovery
- In System- Standard Interfaces To Legacy Systems
- Historical, consistent view of the evolution of your network over time

Event and alarm management
- Receiving Events, Metrics, alarms from mulitvendor, multitechnology networks
- Event processing and filtering and alarm creation with simple rules and correlations between network event
- Handling maintenance and planned change windows
- Built-in event and alarm workflows, interfacing with industry standard worklow systems
- Historical data analysis and complex correlations with statistical functions and AI algorithms
- Root cause analysis, business context for network alarms
- Alarm priorization build on business context and SLA breach measures
- Informative, customisable alarm pandels optimized for viewing on alarm displays

Network Assistance
Detecting Networks Automatically (L2 VLAN Trace, CDP, LLDP, Etc.)
Generating planning documentation (LLD, HLD, construction plan, permits) - Operation scenarios (generating commands directly loadable into devices)
- On-site survey
- Storing Network-related documents and photos
- Network planning and operations made easy

Network audit with nice
- data collection from Devices, Network Management Systems
- Data processing: mapping the network data into the stored network modell
- Listing the differences between the stored and actual network
- Handling the Differences, updating the inventory or changing the network

Network and business
- Collecting and building carrier-carried service modell across the network
Calculation KPIs for efficient
operations (SLA, OLA breach) - Correlation between network events and root cause analyses and prioritizing Alarms based on business impact
OSS Software Solutions

Product Roadmap
Integrated Network & Service Inventory
Topology & Google Maps Visualisation Engine
Search Engine
Time Machine
(past, present, future of the network)
Communication Moduls
(Devices & Network Management Systems)
Network Audit & Configuration Management
IP Address Management (IPAM)
Event & Alarm Management
Big Data Engine
(Analysing historical network data)
Workflow Engine
(network planning and operations)
Automatisation Engine
Correlation with
Business Data